I think it will be interesting to start a blog and keep track of We Love Flea Markets (WLFM) progress. One day you get to walk down memory lane through this blog, recalling the events that took place and what We Love Flea Markets has went through.
The history of WLFM started off from I Love Flea Markets (www.ilovefleamart.blogspot.sg). This humble prelove blogshop started in Novemeber 2009 with preloved apparels, accessories to magazines been sold and trade off. Back then, I could not see how big I Love Flea Markets would go today. Trading of items is common for I LOVE FLEA MARKETS back then.
After a year plus, I took a 1 year break from blogshops and this space (www.ilovefleamart.blogspot.sg) became quiet since then.
In November 2012, I LOVE FLEA MARKETS came back again as a instagram store selling preloved clothes and over time with the support of lovely shoppers it grew into WE LOVE FLEA MARKETS(yay!!!) And this means serious business! The team has bring this online fashion store to the next level creating our own website, facebook page and even going to studio for shootings for apparels and accessories!
The OLD http://ilovefleamart.blogspot.sg/ LOOK
We (the team) want to do something more than ordinary, and stay on follow us on instagram: @welovefleamarkets and Facebook: We Love Flea Markets for many many surprises :)
P/S: This blog is undergoing revamping to bring you bigger FASHION surprises!
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